
经过一年多的社区参与, RTD很高兴介绍一个更简单的, 更便宜, 更公平的票价制度.


RTD的新票价系统带来了更低的票价, 减少收费区域的数量, 综合折扣票价, 并降低了3-Hour的成本, 一天, 及月票. Travel to and from the 机场 is included in all Monthly and Discount Passes. We offer decreased costs for Access-a-Ride and introduce Access-a-Ride 生活 fares. 新的收费系统扩大了生活项目的使用范围, introduces a transit assistance grant program as well as a new Semester Pass for post-secondary students, 还有更多.


*优惠票价适用于65岁以上长者, 残疾人士, 医疗保险受益人, 以及注册生活的客户. All Discount fares 及月票 include travel to and from the 机场 Fare Zone. 了解更多信息



票价上限确保你永远不会支付超过你应该在RTD. 当您使用MyRide条形码或MyRide卡时, 3小时通行证自动转换为日和月通行证. 票价上限适用于单个代币, so an account holder using their MyRide barcode will accumulate trips separately than those using a MyRide Card connected to the same account. 这样,每个人都能省钱!


低票价第一次, RTD has lowered fares on all services to make public transit a more attractive and financially viable option for everyone.
简化产品新的票价结构简化了产品组合, reducing complexity and enhancing ease of use for all customers as well as operators and fare enforcement.
减少收费区RTD已将票价区减少到两个,本地和机场. Any trip originating or ending at Denver International 机场 requires an airport fare product, with all other products being valid for travel across the rest of the system.
统一折扣认识到客户的多样性, 我们正在整合折扣,以确保公平和清晰, 消除混乱, 并创建一个透明的系统,使所有人受益.
扩展的实时访问RTD增加了收入限制,取消了地区内的要求. 第一次, 生活 customers will be able to pay cash to purchase fares onboard vehicle and at TVMs.
青年飞行员零票价This pilot program allows for youth 19 and under to ride RTD at no cost September 2023 to August 2024, ensuring transportation is not a barrier to accessing education or employment.
增强通行证计划EcoPass, 社区EcoPass, 和CollegePass的合同期限为两年, utilization-based, fixed pricing while contract minimums are being reduced to lower barriers to participation.
新通行证计划RTD is creating a SemesterPass for students at technical schools and other colleges and universities not currently participating in CollegePass, while also developing a $1 million transit assistance grant program to provide 票 books to organizations that serve populations with immediate transit needs.



RTD's Nonprofit Program offers reduced fares to eligible 501(c)(3) non-profit or governmental community/social service organizations that provide assistance to low income and homeless individuals. 以了解更多关于该计划和如何申请, 请通过以下方式联系RTD的非营利项目协调员 电子邮件.


欢迎乘坐RTD铁路系统,这里的便利与可达性相结合! RTD的收费系统由两个收费区组成:本地和机场. 往返丹佛国际机场, 旅客需要购买机场日卡或机场升级卡. These options facilitate seamless travel throughout the entire network for Standard fare-paying customers. 值得注意的是, 所有折扣票价产品包括往返机场的旅行, 确保所有客户都能负担得起.




购买任何票价产品概不退款. Fare media may carry an end-of-year expiration date; if so, they may be eligible for credit towards a new 票 book during a limited period.


使用即时转乘服务而不缴付车费是违法的(C.R.S. §42-4-1416(2)未能出示有效的过境通行证或优惠券). 未能出示有效的过境通行证, 票, 转让或优惠券可能导致高达106美元的罚款.50英镑,包括诉讼费. Fare evasion is punishable under the Colorado traffic code and failure to pay may result in the loss of a person's driving privileges. Multiple fare citations will result in suspension from RTD services for a pre-determined amount of time.


To get the most value and convenience customers are encouraged to use the MyRide mobile barcode or MyRide card to pay for fares. When using these forms of payment trips accumulate and fares are capped to ensure you never pay more than you should. 3小时通行证自动转换为日和月通行证 based on travel, and if you take a trip to a higher fare zone you'll only pay the difference.如果不使用MyRide条形码或卡, customers are encouraged to purchase the 机场日通行证 rather than relying on upgrades for making multiple trips at different fare levels. 但是,客户可以在更高的服务级别上使用升级.


Customers with a Standard 3小时过去 or 天通过 must pay for an airport upgrade ($7.3小时起25美元,4美元.50 from 一天) with cash on the bus or at a Ticket Vending Machine with cash, 在火车站刷卡或刷卡. 所有折扣票价包括往返机场的车费.


In most cases the bus fare that you pay will correspond to the service level of the route. 然而, on 机场 routes it is possible to take a partial trip that qualifies for a lower fare, 这取决于你的路线以及你在哪里登机和出发. If you know your trip qualifies for a non-airport fare be sure to tell the operator before you pay your fare so that you are charged correctly.



购买任何票价产品概不退款. Fare media may carry an end-of-year expiration date; if so, they may be eligible for credit towards a new 票 book during a limited period.


使用即时转乘服务而不缴付车费是违法的(C.R.S. §42-4-1416(2)未能出示有效的过境通行证或优惠券). 未能出示有效的过境通行证, 票, 转让或优惠券可能导致高达106美元的罚款.50英镑,包括诉讼费. Fare evasion is punishable under the Colorado traffic code and failure to pay may result in the loss of a person's driving privileges. Multiple fare citations will result in suspension from RTD services for a pre-determined amount of time.


To get the most value and convenience customers are encouraged to use the MyRide mobile barcode or MyRide card to pay for fares. When using these forms of payment trips accumulate and fares are capped to ensure you never pay more than you should. 3小时通行证自动转换为日和月通行证 based on travel, and if you take a trip to a higher fare zone you'll only pay the difference.如果不使用MyRide条形码或卡, customers are encouraged to purchase the 机场日通行证 rather than relying on upgrades for making multiple trips at different fare levels. 但是,客户可以在更高的服务级别上使用升级.


Customers with a Standard 3小时过去 or 天通过 must pay for an airport upgrade ($7.3小时起25美元,4美元.50 from 一天) with cash on the bus or at a Ticket Vending Machine with cash, 在火车站刷卡或刷卡. 所有折扣票价包括往返机场的车费.


In most cases the bus fare that you pay will correspond to the service level of the route. 然而, on 机场 routes it is possible to take a partial trip that qualifies for a lower fare, 这取决于你的路线以及你在哪里登机和出发. If you know your trip qualifies for a non-airport fare be sure to tell the operator before you pay your fare so that you are charged correctly.



Frequent riders and commuters can save time and money by pre-purchasing passes or 票 books

了解更多关于通行证的信息 & 票的书


RTD counts on revenue from passengers to provide and improve transit services. That’s why it’s important for all passengers to pay the full fare when riding buses and light rail.



使用您的手机扫描和乘车与RTD MyRide! 在优步和Transit应用程序上也可以买到RTD车票和通行证.



