

RTD places safety at the highest importance. RTD operates trains 和 buses throughout the District. All construction on or around RTD facilities must be carefully coordinated, 合法许可和适当许可的.

Doing Construction On/Across/Above/Below RTD Facilities?

RTD has specific required procedures you must follow, 你必须填写并提交的表格, 你必须完成安全培训, 在进入或在RTD设施(包括RTD财产或路权[行])上/上进行任何工作之前,您必须获得协议和许可证。, 建筑物及场地, Park-n-Rides(内线), 巴士路线及车站, 铁路走廊和车站).


RTD工程电话线: 303-299-2299

RTD公用事业建设电话线: 303-299-2811


Call UNCC (811) for Locates BEFORE you DIG.

提前计划- RTD审查过程可能需要几个月才能完成,并且不能保证批准.



  • Company name (who the work is being done for)
  • Location of your work (nearest major streets)
  • RTD rail corridor or bus route nearest to your work
  • Type of work (what are you installing, removing)
  • 联系人姓名、电话和电子邮件

When emailing, please use detailed 和 specific subject headers. 在电话留言时, 请说话慢一点,清晰一点,特别是如果你使用手机,因为你的信息可能无法清晰地传递给RTD. RTD每天都会收到许多工作请求,因此您向我们提供的详细信息将帮助我们的工作人员快速找到您的请求.



In addition to RTD requirements for construction, work in the 区域运输区 involves many 司法管辖区 with their own design, 工程, 建筑工地. 您有责任确定您需要满足哪个司法管辖区的建筑和工程要求.




Step-by-Step Guide: Please Read All Sections below as Several Scenarios Apply to Most Projects

Digging on RTD Property/行 和 Across RTD Tracks

  1. 您必须通过向RTD工程提交初步设计以进行审查来开始您的申请流程.
  2. After RTD Engineering gives you the green light, 您将通过向RTD房地产部门提交协议请求包开始正式流程. RTD Real Property将审核您的请求包,然后将其发送给相应的RTD部门进行审核. 如果应用程序包缺少信息或者设计违反了RTD标准,这个审查过程可能会花费时间并被延迟. 审查 the RTD Right-of-Way Access Permits 在这里.
  3. 在您的设计得到所有部门的批准之后,并且只有在RTD Real Property为您的项目执行了批准协议之后, you will need to apply for a permit to do work 在 RTD Tracks. RTD railroad corridors are owned/maintained by two different groups (轻轨通勤铁路CRT). Each group has its own unique procedure, application form, required training, 和 meetings. The location of your work will determine to which group you need to apply.
  4. Every worker on the job will need to take 和 successfully complete all appropriate 铁路安全培训班.

Next, you will need to attend the corresponding light/commuter rail operations meeting. 讨论了你工作的细节, including worker safety 和 the need for flaggers, 在这些会议上. 您需要证明在这些会议之前或会议期间完成了适用的铁路安全培训. 只有在获得批准的许可证后,您才能根据该许可证和RTD协议的条款开始工作.

在RTD轨道上挖掘(不是RTD 行)

  1. 您必须通过向RTD工程提交初步设计以进行审查来开始您的申请流程.
  2. After RTD Engineering gives you the green light, 您将通过向RTD房地产部门提交协议请求包开始正式流程. Even if RTD does not own the 行, RTD has rights to own 和 operate tracks in the 行. 任何侵占或跨越RTD设施的工作需要首先与RTD房地产集团协调. RTD Real Property将审核您的请求包,然后将其发送到相应的RTD部门进行审核. 如果应用程序包缺少信息或者设计违反了RTD标准,这个审查过程可能会花费时间,并且可能会延迟. 审查 the RTD Right-of-Way Access Permits 在这里.
  3. 在您的设计得到所有部门的批准之后,并且只有在RTD Real Property为您的项目执行了批准协议之后, you will need to apply for a Permit to do work 在 RTD Tracks. RTD Railroad corridors are owned/maintained by two different groups (轻轨通勤铁路CRT). Each group has its own unique procedure, application form, required training 和 meetings. The location of your work will determine to which group you need to apply.
  4. Every worker on the job will need to take 和 successfully complete all appropriate 铁路安全培训班.
  5. Next, you will need to attend the corresponding Light/Commuter Rail Operations Meeting. It is 在这些会议上 the details of your work are discussed, including worker safety 和 the need for flaggers. 在这些会议之前或会议期间,您需要证明完成了适用的RR安全培训. 只有在获得批准的许可证后,您才能根据该许可证和RTD协议的条款开始工作.

Work Will be within 25 Feet of RTD Tracks

RTD需要 铁路安全培训 在RTD轨道附近工作. RTD’s visual corridors are just as important as RTD’s physical corridors for safe rail transit, so work near RTD tracks may impact RTD rail operations. 当在RTD轨道附近工作时, consider reach 和 swing of construction equipment (overhead, 地面及地下). RTD还维护RTD铁路走廊安全运行的关键设施,包括牵引变电站, 架空悬链线系统, 信号系统, track, 和 track rights of way such as rail beds 和 structures. 这些设施, 如果损坏, 如果工人或设备接触到,会对RTD列车操作造成危险,对承包商造成危险吗. 请注意, 一些RTD埋设设施不包含在轨道之间或围栏变电站区域内,但偶尔会沿着当地街道运行. RTD is exp和ing 和 our systems are everyw在这里.

Digging on RTD Property/行 (No Tracks)

  1. 您必须通过向RTD工程提交初步设计以进行审查来开始您的申请流程.
  2. After RTD Engineering gives you the green light, 您将通过向RTD房地产部门提交协议请求包开始正式流程. RTD Real Property将审核您的请求包,然后将其发送到相应的RTD部门进行审核. 如果应用程序包缺少信息或者设计违反了RTD标准,这个审查过程可能会花费时间,并且可能会延迟. 审查 the RTD Right-of-Way Access Permits 在这里.
  3. 在您的设计得到所有部门的批准之后,并且只有在RTD Real Property为您的项目执行了批准协议之后, 您将需要申请建筑场地进入许可证(BGAP),通过RTD设施组在RTD 行上工作. 审查 the RTD Facilities Access Permits 在这里.

Work Will be Adjacent to RTD Property, 行, or Facilities

Your work may indirectly impact RTD Property/行/Facilities. RTD审查从当地司法管辖区提交给RTD的计划,以确保邻近的建设项目不会对RTD的财产产生不利影响, 行, 或设施. 如果您的工作可能影响RTD,请与当地司法管辖区协调,将您的计划提交给RTD.


Work May/Will Affect Train Movement - Flaggers

RTD铁路运营和RTD道路维护召开强制性会议,讨论您的工作对列车运营的影响, allocate flagger resources for work within 10 feet of RTD’s LRT, 和 issue permits allowing you to perform your work. RTDC-DTO Rail Operations is responsible for the same functions on all CRT rail rights of way. RTD需要 flaggers to be present during all work within 10 feet of operating rail corridors, 包括所有前期工作(e).g., surveys, potholes, or mobilization of equipment). If more than one railroad is located in the vicinity of your work, you will need to arrange in advance for separate approved flaggers specific to each railroad. BNSF/UPRR approved flaggers do not fulfill RTD’s flagging requirements.

Work May/Will Affect Bus Movement - Traffic Control 和 Detours

承包商需要与RTD巴士营运部协调巴士路线和/或巴士设施附近的所有工作. 铁路运输署巴士/街道营运部负责协调及更新受建筑工程影响的巴士路线及绕行路线, 特别活动, 和紧急情况. RTD与执法部门密切合作, 司法管辖区, 工务部门, 和 municipalities to review construction design, 交通管制计划, 莱恩闭包, 和 detours to minimize impacts to bus operations.


RTD Engineering is responsible for the design 和 maintenance of all RTD’s drainage facilities. 此功能包括排水沟, 滞留池, 涵洞, 排水结构, 地下管道, 和 control of surface run-off 在 RTD’s tracks, 行, Park-n-Rides, 公交车站, 和其他设施.


RTD工程和RTD系统负责RTD拥有的公用设施的选址和设计. Included in this function are traction power substations, 架空悬链线系统, underground electric 和 communication ducts, 信号系统, 跟踪暗渠, 实用走廊, 水, 卫生下水道, 还有雨水排水管. 邻近设施的安装, on, 或跨越RTD 行/设施是一个安全问题,在获得工作许可之前需要额外的特定程序.


For RTD Criteria, Procedure Manuals, 和 St和ard Drawings

L和 development adjacent to RTD facilities or property is reviewed by RTD Engineering, 它包括几个学科.
