60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act: A Significant Milestone for Transportation Equity


7月, RTD celebrates the 60th anniversary of one of the most significant 和 impactful pieces of legislation passed, the 1964年的民权法案. 的 passage of this l和mark law was a turning point in American history, marking a decisive step toward ending discrimination 和 promoting equality for all citizens. 它的深远影响遍及各个领域, 包括运输权益, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to public transportation 和 the opportunities it provides. 


之后的几十年 重建,美国.S. 国会没有通过一项民权法案. 最后, in 1957, it established a civil rights section within the Justice Department 和 a Commission on Civil Rights to investigate discriminatory conditions. This was a historically significant enactment because it ended three-quarters of a century of congressional inaction 和 began the era of civil rights reform. 尽管有这些早期步骤,但实质性进展缓慢. 当美国总统 约翰F. 肯尼迪 entered the White House in 1961, he initially delayed supporting new anti-discrimination measures. 然而,有很多 民权领袖 以及遍及全国的非暴力抗议活动 民权运动 促使肯尼迪采取行动. 1963年6月, 肯尼迪提出了最全面的民权立法, stating that the United States "will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.该法案遭到了强烈反对, 尤其是来自南方的民主党人, 但经过激烈的辩论和历史性的阻挠议事, 该法案在两党的支持下获得通过. 总统 林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B. 约翰逊 于1964年7月2日签署成为法律. 


RTD is proud to be an agency that values diversity, 股本 和 respect. RTD strives to ensure that no one—neither employees nor customers—is discriminated against based on race, color, 国籍或受法律保护的其他特征. 纪念《民权法案》颁布60周年, the agency recognizes the ongoing need to advance these principles 和 remain dedicated to deploying equitable practices within the organization 和 the communities it serves. 


为了纪念这一里程碑, RTD invites the community to join an upcoming commemorative event featuring a special reveal of a bus wrap design honoring the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act 和 the announcement of the winner of the Bus Design Contest. 请 发请帖 7月16日前出席. 注册包括提交一首在活动中播放的歌曲, 与会者将收到一张纪念混音带.

民权60年:社区混音带庆典 从中午到下午三点.m. July 20 at the Studio Loft at Ellie Caulkins Opera House, 908 14th St., Denver, this event will encompass music, food, spoken word, poets 和 community acts. 它是与丹佛全国有色人种协进会合作提出的, 美国公民自由联盟科罗拉多, 一个科罗拉多州, 科罗拉多亚太联合, 为拉扎服务, 亚特兰蒂斯社区公司. 以及其他有价值的社区伙伴. 的 occasion aims to pay homage to the courageous legislation 和 honor the intersectionalities of social justice movements locally 和 nationally. 

与社区伙伴合作: 了解更多关于RTD的社区合作伙伴, each playing a vital role in advancing civil rights 和 social justice: 

  •  丹佛全国有色人种协进会: 成立于2月. 12, 1909, NAACP是美国历史最悠久的组织, largest 和 most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. 
  •  美国公民自由联盟科罗拉多: 的 ACLU of Colorado is the state's oldest 和 largest civil rights organization. 
  •  为拉扎服务: Founded in 1972 by community activists in the Chicano/Chicana 民权运动 in Colorado, 为西班牙语社区提供心理健康服务. 
  • 一个科罗拉多州: 的 state's leading advocacy organization dedicated to advancing equality for lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 跨性别和酷儿(LGBTQ+)科罗拉多人和他们的家人. 
  • 科罗拉多亚太联合一个致力于社会公正的进步非营利组织, 努力推进种族多样性, 通过社区合作实现公平和包容, 庆祝与教育. 
  • 亚特兰蒂斯社区公司“我们骑马去!" – Gang of 19 – the origin of the disability rights movement in Denver. 
  • 革命时期的温暖饼干:世界上第一家市民健身俱乐部, 创建于2012年, where community members engage in civic issues in an engaging 和 participatory manner. 


RTD民权科 serves as a cornerstone in upholding the civil rights of RTD’s employees 和 customers. Through collaboration across agency departments 和 with diverse community partners, 积极维护公平, 在我们运营的各个方面包容和平等的机会. 民权司设有四个专门办事处: 美国残疾人法案办公室, 小型企业机会办事处, 平等就业机会办事处过境股权办事处.


RTD continuously demonstrates its commitment to transportation 股本. 的 following highlights significant initiatives 和 milestones that have been led by RTD staff 和 supported by countless community partners:

全系统票价研究与公平性分析: RTD最近实现了一个更简单的, more affordable 和 more equitable fare structure following a comprehensive fare study, 降低成人的成本,让更多的客户有资格 折扣票价. 的 生活 基于收入的票价计划,精简 通过项目, 过境援助补助金 程序和 青年零票价试点计划 进一步提高公平性和可及性.

以公共交通为导向的公平发展政策:This policy promotes the development of affordable housing on RTD-owned l和 near high-frequency transit corridors. A notable achievement under this policy is the anticipated groundbreaking in summer 2024 for 62 affordable units on RTD’s parking lot at 29街和威尔顿街交口 丹佛的街道. 到目前为止, RTD与开发人员合作构建了1,463个住宅单位, 其中236个(约16%)是负担得起的. eTOD政策旨在将这一比例提高到35%. 目前与开发者的讨论在 中央公园站PnR 其他地点表明,这一目标是可以实现的.

巴士站基础设施可达性评估: 从2024年夏季开始, RTD will conduct a comprehensive assessment to ensure all bus stops are safe, 清洁方便, 旨在为未来的改进制定新的标准.

弱势企业(DBE)计划: RTD已经分配了12个.2%的合同, 总额1.84亿美元, 向弱势企业/小型企业提供援助.

语言学习计划(LAP): Language access is intrinsic to RTD’s mission to make lives better through connections. 自2022年以来, RTD has actively exp和ed its language access work to ensure our linguistically diverse customers are able to get to where they live, work 和 play without language acting as a barrier to accessing transit.

伙伴关系计划: 成立于2023年, RTD’s 伙伴关系计划 supports community-designed transportation pilots, enhancing local mobility with an equitable intake 和 evaluation process.

全国提前投票日和大选日: In 2022, 选投局提供免费服务,鼓励选民参与投票, partnering with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office to remove barriers for voters in the RTD region.

社区参与: RTD通过广泛参与优先考虑社区联系, 至今参与142项活动, 参与超过1,000名社区成员在丹佛都会区. 


纪念1964年的民权法案, RTD始终致力于推进多样性, 股本, 交通和整个社会的包容和归属, acknowledging ongoing challenges 和 committing to fostering an inclusive future

By 吉萨·麦克雷·西蒙斯